Monday, October 29, 2007

you can stay under my umbrella

It has been raining all day long but I did´nt let that affect my feelings so much as the weather use to affect me, maybe thats because I haven´t stepped outside the door yet..!
Anyway, have been cleaning out the caos in my room, fixing some things for tomorrow - but I´m not going to prepare so much more, just gonna be fun! (I can almost tell myself that).
Of for some seriously work out later and I can hopefully sleep tonight after that..

Friday, October 26, 2007

2 damn good reasons to watch Heroes

Peter Petrelli - Milo Ventimiglia

Hiro Nakkamura - Masi Oka

Heroes - maraton start 11.30 at Tv4+ 27/10

- I know I won´t miss it..!

DJ Madde

- Haha I wish.. I´m fixing M´s party cd and downloading music (did I just admit a crime?!) - tip: just search for your favourite artist + "remix" ;) of course I have my big hear-things on - I only have to bling it with diamonds and I´m ready to start my career!
- no but seriously, it´s starting to happen things at that front too, exciting :)
This week have been relaxing (but with my mood up and down), city visit (monday) with Amandis to find presents for M, actually we really don´t know what we have bought yet - surprise surprise, can´t tell anymore..
I also did A´s hair today, looked good but have to see the finial result to morrow and as expected my not so very funny period begun - stomach pain - trying to cure it with hot chocolate and shining candles. Suchi to dinner now and then watch "idol" - simple my friday night plans.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

where do you go

Come to bed at 3 - something, watching the end of harry potter by myself - cammi struggled not to fall asleep and went to bed (no comments). Almost felt hangover when I woke up this morning.. And the rest of the day has been like that, but I’m going to my yoga class soon anyway - and get even more sleepy.. Anyway, yesterday I took my scissor and updated my "bang" I don´t know why I hesitated so much, I love bangs! - but not to short thou, and it’s a fine line between good short and to short.. Also took a nice walk around in the "forest" nearby - all beautiful leaves makes me feel happy :)
For next week I actually have some plans (goal; work out as much as possible) and the weekends are booked until I´m of to London - have to hold back my shopping desire just for two weeks more, but what the f-ck am I suppose to wear over there? should I just count on finding clothes or bring alternatives, I haven’t even got a pair of boots, will I survive in my pumps? What problems ehh, I´m sure I will work something out..

don´t take yourself to seriously

A has left the building after watching "Alfie" on the TV in my bed, and now Milla showed up home wanted to se Harry potter so why not, I´m going to insist that we see it with english text, if it something I´m serious about it´s my "project" in practise english, I even looked up my "english grammar check" handbook from school - my new bible. (..)

Friday, October 19, 2007

varför ta en när man kan ta två?

Paus from english.. Precis smällt i mig två sockerbullar med choklad och vanilj kräm och två stora glas kaffe latte och nu kan jag inte röra mig ur stolen, känner bara för att krypa ner under täcket och sen kika på idol, men jag skulle ju se med marre? Får se hur det blir - om nån orkar åka till den andra(!)
kaffe har då iaf zero uppiggande effekt på mig..
Vi har iaf varit ute på promenad, eller det slutar ju med att vi sätter oss på nån bänk i solen och flummar men ändå! Den här helgen får helt enkelt vara myshelg och nästa blir det party - marre har ju fyllt 19.. När jag läste nån text om språkstudier utomlands hajjade jag till när jag läste "för dig som är 19 eller äldre" - jaha då kan jag inte åka förens nästa år? eller vänta nu 19 - var det jag fyllde nyss?
Imorgon tror jag att jag ska klippa till ny lugg? Min har växt ut jätte mycket.
Kanske ska låta marre klippa topparna på det övriga håret också, så skönt att vi kan fixa själva hur vi vill!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

the only difference between martyrdom and suicide

This picture seems so far away, croatia this summer? I want my tan back!
Despite the sunny weather it was freezing outside.. Have tried to comfort myself with nutella on yoghurtbread and coffe - it worked!? Hopefully I´m going to dance it of - afrodance soon and maybe I´m going to worm up with some bellydance, long time since last, it will get me in better mood? - my bloodsugar level must have gone down, all I´m saying is London or Australia - why not both - next year, in some way!

hello sunshine!

I have no idea what I´m up for today but I´m going to do something mean full unlike yesterday, watching "The return of the king" (lord of the rings) for three hours, but I had a desire to se it as I was watching the "two towers" the other day.. I had almost forgot about the last film in the trilogy - shame on me, but it was more exiting to watch anyway - if you haven’t seen it for a while and don’t remember all the lines..
A good way (and most fun) is to learn english from looking on english movies with no - or english text, I couldn’t possible hear what "Gollum" was whispering so I had the text on.
So I need to buy more movies (for developing purpose ofcourse)
Starting with going to shopp (well, food is better than nothing) and I have another desire: Nutella! Where did that come from..?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

tillbaka till samtiden (back to the samtime?!)

My little biatch let me burn her new kent cd (thanks mate), witch she, by the way, got signed today and hugged every member in the band, not jealous at all.. I’m listening to the second song now, it sounds promising - good shit.. It may take me trough the winter!
But I’m still upset that I missed to buy tickets to the concert, I suck on being updated on that stuff so I have myself to blame..
And the reason I’m bloggin´in english (well, try to blogg) - feel free to correct any mistakes - is that I really need practise and this will be a good way, I have to warm up for London - not so far away now - the time just flies away, and now has another day just passed and I have serious problems to understand it’s the 18 of october..?
What I most look forward to is to shop - I´m sick of trying to save and can't wait to spend whatever is left on my account ;) won't be any problems I guess..
What have I been up to since last, searching for job seemed to be a bit trickier than I thought, I’ve applied for curses to spingtermin in case of nothing better to do - english for university studies - I better get in! My second choice was creative writing, but I’m not sure if I’m really in to that - no inspiration to write although it can be good to learn but I don't know.. No idea to think to much before I even know if I get in, hate to be disappointed..
Was visiting the chocolate-festival last weekend and now it felt time to start a new "healthy period" - love that you always have another chans and a third and.. Work out is going OK, gave it all at the pass this evening and it feels like I’m starting to get into shape again but I still have more to catch up, "work it harder make it faster" !
God it’s a bit difficult listening to Swedish music and write in english so this will do for now,
Good night!


Friday, October 05, 2007

jag ska slå er med häpnad

Marre och Issa kom förbi och räddade min kväll -
Allmänt fikande (päronpistage muffins , fudgebrownies och kaffelatte i mängder), idol (och till attack mot "jidhe" - herregud vad tänkte dom när dom satte han som pogramledare?! Inte alls verkar det som) - myspys :) Jag har ju inte riktigt kommit ur mina myskläder på hela dagen(!)
Får se om vi går ut imorgon eller inte.. man vet aldrig, annars vet jag inte riktigt vad jag ska hitta på. Promenad känns nödvändigt och kanske lite sol - va sjukt länge sen och jag kan behöva lite sunshine!

vem tryckte på ( | | ) - knappen?

Just nu känns det som att mitt liv är på paus, jag skulle vilja trycka på snabbspolning frammåt ett tag då roliga händelser väntar framöver. För tillfället är jag i vänteläge men det ändå nu jag ska påverka vad som ska hända i framtiden och visst ska jag göra mitt bästa men just nu känns det också som att paus är nödvändigt, det var ju jag som tryckte..

Mysig promenad med m igår i strålande höstväder, tränat hela veckan, var egentligen tänkt att fortsätta promenera idag men vädret var inte lika lockande, m färgade mitt hår häromdan också - det behövdes!
- nu ska jag ha lite spa istället och vakna till liv?